Pipsy’s Wee Care and Preschool LLC
Where wee ones come to have fun!
“Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.”
Proverbs 22:6
We believe all children are created uniquely and thrive when given a fun, safe environment in which to learn and grow. Our mission is to take a new approach to childcare by combining the best aspects of both in-home and licensed childcare facilities. We do so by incorporating large, center based interactive spaces where siblings and peers of different ages can learn from each other. Rather than having children in age segregated classrooms we believe young children benefit when learning through play with older children and older children benefit when learning to role model and care for younger children. We focus our structured preschool time on preparing for kindergarten by allowing children to gradually increase class participation as they age and advance academically. By using one classroom with one teacher starting at 3 years of age the children have the advantage of a consistent space, staff and curriculum year round to ensure they get the best opportunity to confidently transition to kindergarten. All of this is done with the support of a balanced nutrition program that follows the guidelines of the CACFP and an emphasis on fresh food daily as well as an indoor playground to ensure plenty of opportunity to use muscles and develop large motor skills.
By creating this unique new program our ultimate goal is to help each child reach the potential God created them with, in a safe and loving environment.